‘I Voted’ Art Contest

Written by Estero Bay News

August 1, 2024

Local students can enter a contest to design the County’s voting stickers for this year’s Presidential Election in November.

The SLO County Elections Office is holding the first ever, “I Voted” sticker design contest, open to students in grades 3-6 and grades 7-12, according to a news release from the County Clerk’s Office. 

“The winning design in each division,” reads the news release, “will be printed and distributed at polling places throughout San Luis Obispo County, and it will also be featured on the Clerk-Recorder’s website and in community outreach for the Nov. 5, 2024, General Election.”

Entry forms are available online at: www.slovote.com and entries can be submitted in person, by mail or email through Aug. 21. Two winners will be announced in September and will get to visit the Elections Office and meet the County Clerk.

Both hand rendered and digital designed work will be accepted. There are of course some rules:

• Designs must fit inside a 2-inch diameter circle and include the words “I Voted” or “Future Voter;”

• Only original artwork is acceptable — no copyrighted materials, clip art, or anything produced by someone other than the student;

• Designs must be non-partisan and cannot reference any political party, group or slogan;

• Digital entries must be jpeg files with resolution of 300 dpi;

• Hand rendered art must be 2-dimensional and done on white paper;

• Entries must have an official entry form included; and, 

• Deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 21.

Original designs can be larger than 2-inches in diameter but will be reduced to fit for printing. Make sure text is still readable if reduced. Print and use page 1 of the contest entry form for the finished 2-inch size.

Email entries to: electionsoutreach@co.slo.ca.us; mail to: Clerk-Recorder’s Office, Attn: “I Voted” Sticker Contest, 1055 Monterey St., Ste. D-120, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 (must be received by 5 p.m. on Aug.21); or drop off entries in person at the Clerk-Recorder’s Office, Katcho Achadjian County Government Center, 1055 Monterey St., Ste. D-120, in San Luis Obispo.

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