Yes on A-24, not Vistra

While watching a program on YouTube last week an ad for Vistra’s proposed battery plant in Morro Bay popped up.  Vistra is a multi-billion dollar conglomerate which made millions for its investors last year and holds an environmental record rated by Fidelity Investments as “laggard”.

Their anti A-24 campaign attempts to lead us to mistakenly believe that the Energy Commission has the ultimate power to approve a battery plant when the site is in fact under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission making it the final authority.

Nice try, but Vistra’s corporate commercials will not convince us that we want an industrial complex built next to the Rock and the Estuary. 

Instead, voting Yes on A-24 will send a clear message to the Coastal Commission that we, the citizens of Morro Bay, want to keep the Embarcadero used for our fishermen and for our visitors – not for Vistra’s corporate investors.

Pat Johnson

Morro Bay

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