Yes on A-24

I recently received a letter from The Sierra Club urging me to vote No on A-24. The second paragraph in the letter states “Morro Bay’s future faces existential threat of rising seas ….”

A no vote on A-24 is essentially supporting the construction of a million square foot (22 acres) BESS plant that contains toxic lithium-Ion batteries.

So, in effect The Sierra Club is supporting the build out of this hazardous toxic waste facility with batteries that ignite on contact with water! This new facility is directly in the path of this imminent sea level rise.

I am not against green energy, but I am against this BESS plant’s location in the path of certain sea level rise and additional threats of tsunamis and earthquakes. These hazardous plants don’t belong adjacent to homes, schools and businesses. The perfect site for this plant is next to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear plant. The Diablo site already has 24-hour national security protection and there are no nearby homes or businesses. In addition the existing infrastructure would accommodate the battery storage plant.

Seems to me the Sierra Club is way off base on this one!

Vote YES on A-24 and preserve the current approved land use in Morro Bay’s General Plan. 

Rocky Setting

Morro Bay

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