I know that the citizens are confused after the “NO” campaign has put out so much, in my opinion only, deceptive propaganda. Preserve Local Control is one such statement, yet they have taken in over $ 70,000 from outside the area, including Delaware. I ask you, how is that local? They say this initiative would freeze zoning laws which is untrue, and it only affects the land use of four parcels. It will not stop the industrialization of our waterfront but would give us, the locals, a vote on any project not consistent with the current designation, which is visitors serving commercial. The “NO” people lose nothing, as they can vote, too! This is Democracy. These are the same people who gave us the new, very expensive, sewer project and they wonder why we want a vote.
I personally want to stop the BESS and this measure will help. But it’s bigger than that. It gives everyone a vote! Why would they want to stop that? Why would they not allow our sewer plant to be rebuilt in the old location? Because of sea level rise and potential flooding and tsunami, but they think the world’s largest lithium-ion battery storage facility would be just fine there. Vote “YES” now so that you can vote “NO” on the BESS. It’s the wrong location and way too dangerous. I say, put it out in north Egypt.
PS the final word goes to the CA Coastal Commission. Google the letters they have sent to our city. Vote “YES” on A-24.
Patti Anderson
Morro Bay resident for 36 years