Protest Another Trash Increase in Los Osos
I have submitted the formal protest form to voice my protest to the proposed cost increase to local trash services by 13.18% in 2025 with proposed increases in years 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029.
The purpose of this letter to elected officials representing Los Osos citizens, is to request your support in opposing this proposed increase of mandatory trash services as a hardship for people who have already suffered from the 97% price increase approved for the same company in 2023. You should be aware that the demographic statistics for your constituents are not favorable for hardworking, middle-income earners and senior citizens living and contributing to Los Osos.
Consider the data for our community that indicates the vulnerable of Los Osos include 26.6% senior citizens who are most likely receiving social security and/or a pension and not able to earn additional income of which 5% of those people live below poverty level. Other at-risk population include 9.4% people living below poverty level of which 9% are children below 18 years of age. Los Osos ranks amongst the highest cost of living in the United States by 20% higher than the national average. The median home price is 220.3% higher than the national average where rents are 68.2% higher. It’s easy to assume that the cost of utilities is higher than the national average as well.
As a senior citizen, my cost-of-living annual raise is not 13% every year. Employed working folks do not arbitrarily give themselves a raise in pay to cover rate hikes in mandatory utility costs. Impoverished folks do not control their benefit payment. This means we all sacrifice something in our quality of life to pay increased costs that we have no choice in paying in order to reside in our homes.
As a consumer in need of products and services, I am required to budget, sometimes “rob Peter to pay Paul,” delay payments or make payment arrangements. Why should the trash company not be required to do the same? Give options to customers, cut costs, manage options? Why not give your constituents options of trash hauling instead of allowing one mandatory company for citizens to pay extortion for waste removal?
But what is more concerning than the 2025 proposed 13% increase in services above the 97% increase in 2023, is that the arbitrary unknown cost will increase again in years 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029 without the public opportunity to oppose this increase, discuss the proposal, voice protests and control what paying customers want. You and the trash company seem to have the impression that your constituents – property owners, taxpayers, residing citizens – have deep pockets with unlimited income and are unopposed to having our pockets picked to fund the inability of the monopolized trash hauler to manage their business.
I appreciate you giving full attention to this issue, as I know every person I have spoken to are against. Thank you for opposing this detrimental increase price of a mandatory consumer service.
Donna Moreno
Los Osos