WANTED — Los Osos Red Barn Information

Written by Estero Bay News

March 25, 2023

In 1919, a barn was born. In 2023 it’s red and lives in the Los Osos Community Park. It is fondly known as The Red Barn. But what about in between? The Red Barn’s early years are shrouded in mystery.

“Can you help us? We have been searching for clues about the barn,” said Pandora Nash with Celebrate Los Osos. “Where was it built? When was it moved to its current site and why, and from where?

“We have a grant to design an interpretative sign and have been searching for the barn’s history. The County who currently owns it; the History Center, the holders of all things history; the Tribune and Cal Poly’s archives; and several residents who lived in Los Osos over 40 years — have not been able to provide any information about the barn.

“We were hoping for stories of horse rustlers hiding out there. Apparently there were none. We were hoping for stories of farmers who spent a lifetime using the barn for storage and animals for their farm. We can’t find a thing. We were hoping for a charming story of a little girl who loved horses and visited everyday with carrying a basket of carrots for her favorites. Still nothing.

“We know who owned the land, dating back to the Mexican era, but their structures would have been adobe, not wood. We know who donated to land to the County for a park, and the barn was there at the time. But what about in-between?”

If you know any of the elusive history, or know someone who might, contact us. We would like to create an interpretive sign that is fascinating and informative. 

Pandora Nash-Karner, Celebrate Los Osos

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