Councilmember is Wrong

I would like to correct erroneous statements made by Councilmember Red Davis at the September 28 Morro Bay candidates’ forum.  Mr. Davis stated that at the May, 2015 meeting of the Regional Water Quality Control Board, the Board said that the Morro Basin well nitrate problem is caused by farming activities; not leaking sewage.  

I was at that May 28, 2015 meeting.  Mr. Davis was not.  In fact, well-documented evidence presented at that meeting confirmed sewage contamination of every well downgradient of Morro Bay sewer lines. It was a serious problem then, and is even more serious now, given the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the evidence of sewage contamination, the RWQCB declined to take action. Board members stated that, since the City had sufficient “potable water” from other sources, and since there are problems with leaky sewers all over the State, the Board would not to do any more work related to the issue. The reason given was that the Board was occupied with higher priority tasks related to the drought.

Perhaps now, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board might want to revisit the issue.  So should Mr. Davis.  City officials must stop ignoring the elephant in the room and do what is necessary to protect our health.

As an expert in sewage collection systems, I would be happy to sit down with Mr. Davis, and go over the substantial evidence of serious sewage contamination of our drinking water wells. I make the same offer to concerned residents who want the real facts.

Richard E.T.Sadowski
Candidate for Morro Bay City Council

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