Womenade Estero Bay Magical Garage Sale Success

Written by Ruth Ann Angus

March 26, 2022

Annette Sheely, co-director of Womenade Esterro Bay, at the Magical Garage Sale.

It must have been magic that worked for the Womenade Magical Fundraising Garage Sale success, at least that’s what coordinator Annette Sheely thought.

“I had a dream,” she said, “and with my awesome community, we made it come true.

Sheely is the new co-director of Womenade Estero Bay, and this was her first fundraiser. She thought a garage sale would be a good starting place and not something complicated. She began by asking for donations of saleable items. 

“I’m blown away by how my community came out to donate three times more items than I imagined we would get,” she explained. “We haven’t added up all the donations yet but what I know is that it was 10 times more than what I expected.”

The sale held on Saturday, March 12 at the parking lot at Sunnyside School was full of interesting things for sale. The best items at a sale are often gone in a flash so it was posted that folks should get there to buy them no later than 10 a.m. At 12 Noon everything was half price. At 2 p.m. everything left was free. The event had some fun for the youngsters too. Sheely arranged for a magician to perform and there were twisty balloon animals available, and the San Luis Obispo Food Bank also offered a food giveaway for both kids and adults.

While all funds have not been counted yet, Sheely said it appears the sale raised approximately $6000 for Womenade Estero Bay. Volunteers make up the “staff” of this organization and all donations go to provide financial assistance for those in need. 

“Often people have small needs that seem overwhelming,” Sheely said, “like paying their utility bill or purchasing needed medications. This is how Womenade Estero Bay helps.” The organization operates in conjunction with Los Osos Cares.

“Thank you is probably an inadequate statement,” Sheely said, “but I can’t thank my volunteers enough. They helped collect, sort and price items and were there on sale day to lend a hand.” 

Sheely and Womenade Estero Bay also send a huge thank you to members of the Estero Bay community who came out to purchase items. Some people even gave more than the price of the sale items. 

“Thank you to everyone who helped and came out to the sale,” Sheely said, “You helped make magic!”

For more information, go to womenadeesterobay.org and losososcares.com. 

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