This Pollinator Poster Contest entry was drawn by a Los Osos Middle School student in the sixth grade.
The Los Osos Valley Garden Club recently held a Pollinator Poster Contest for students in Los Osos Grades 1 – 6.

A first grade student at Monarch Grove created this artwork.
In the first week of February, fifty-eight students submitted posters depicting pollinators. Each student received a certificate of participation and a packet of wildflower seeds obtained from the California Native Plant Society – SLO.

The prize-winning poster from Monarch Grover Grade 3.
One poster was chosen from each grade based on creativity, originality, design and artwork to receive a pollinator-related prize, and was forwarded to the Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc. for a chance for further awards.
The Los Osos Valley Garden Club organizers said they were “happy to promote an interest in gardens and the importance of pollinators with the youth of our community.”
The Los Osos Valley Garden Club is a local 501(c)3 nonprofit.