Atascadero Rapist Pleads Guilty, Faces Life

Written by Estero Bay News

November 17, 2023

An Atascadero man pled guilty to raping and molesting two juvenile girls under the age of 14 and now faces life in prison, the District Attorney’s Office announced.

On Nov. 8, the suspect, Juan Adriel CambrayMiranda, 42, pled guilty to four counts of “sexual assault involving two separate children, including Aggravated Rape of a Child Under the Age of 14, Sexual Penetration of a Child Under the Age of 14, and two counts of Committing Lewd and Lascivious Acts on a Child Under the Age of 14.

The crimes took place in Atascadero between April 2016 and May 2018, according to the news release.

In addition to the multiple rape of a minor charges against CambrayMiranda that he pled guilty to, he was also initially charged with a slew of other enhancing allegations, including: “The crime involved great violence, great bodily harm, threat of great bodily harm, and other acts disclosing a high degree of cruelty, viciousness and callousness,” reads the D.A.s charging report to the court.

He was also accused of getting others involved in his crimes including a minor, and, “The defendant threatened witnesses, unlawfully prevented and dissuaded witnesses from testifying, suborned perjury, and in any other way illegally interfered with the judicial process.”

His crimes were carried out with “planning, sophistication and professionalism,” and involved “a large quantity of contraband.”

He appears to be a career criminal, reportedly with a long juvenile criminal history and convictions as an adult as well. “The defendant’s prior convictions as an adult and sustained petitions in juvenile delinquency proceedings are numerous and of increasing seriousness,” the charging document said.

Of particular dismay, he was already well known to the system when these girls were raped and molested. CambrayMiranda, “was on probation, mandatory supervision, post release community supervision, and parole when the crime was committed,” reads the charging document. “The defendant’s prior performance on probation, mandatory supervision, post release community supervision, and parole was unsatisfactory.”

CambrayMiranda was also guilty in a separate case out of San Luis Obispo for residential burglary and when he returns to court for sentencing on Jan. 22, he will be sentenced for that crime as well. 

He faces 80-years to life in State Prison for the rape convictions plus whatever he gets for the burglary case. The sentences would run concurrently.

The Atascadero Police Department and SLOPD investigated the rape crimes. The residential burglary case was investigated by the SLOPD; and Dep. D.A. Kimberly R. Dittrich of the Sexual Assault Prosecution Team tried the cases for the people.

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