City Offers WRC Tours

Written by Estero Bay News

May 19, 2023

Morro Bay residents curious about their new sewer treatment plant can take a free tour of the so-called “Water Resources Center.”

The Public Works Department is scheduling a series of public tours of the new facility, located above the terminus of South Bay Boulevard at Hwy 1. It’s the largest part of the City’s largest-ever infrastructure project and truly a state-of-the-art facility that is capable of delivering treated wastewater that can be reused to bolster the city’s drinking water supply.

The treatment plant is a “membrane bio-reactor” type plant, with tertiary level treatment, plus reverse osmosis filtering and disinfection. 

According to a City-issued flyer, “Enjoy an opportunity for a behind-the-scenes tour of the Water Resources Center! Meet the Utilities Staff who operate your water, sewer collections and wastewater infrastructure. Also check out Public Works equipment and vehicles.”

Tour dates are: Saturday, May 20; Friday, June 23; Saturday, Aug. 5; and Thursday, Sept. 21.

Times for the 1-hour tours are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sign up on Event Brite at:

Or you can call 805-772-6272, or email to: to set up a tour.

The City recommends you wear flat, sturdy shoes. They should have a hardhat and safety gear for visitors to wear. The tours will go on, rain or shine.

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