Morro Bay’s Water Reclamation Facility Project is nearing its end and the company that’s been installing pipe down Quintana Road and through town, is now repaving the streets.
Anvil Builders of San Francisco has been laying the multiple pipe conveyance system from the old wastewater treatment plant on Atascadero Road to the new WRF plant on the hill above the terminus of South Bay Boulevard for over two years now.
With the pipes now in the ground and the WRF up and running, it’s time to repair the mess that was made of the streets during the 3.5-mile trenching job.
Work began Feb. 1 with grinding down of the pavement to make room for a new coating of asphalt.
Most of the paving should be completed by now with just one last segment left to complete. If all has gone well, and the weather has cooperated, the repaving work should wind up on Quintana Road from the Roundabout to Main Street sometime Friday, Feb. 10, according to a news release from the City.
Motorists will run into road controls with flagmen directing traffic. Work is slated to take place from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. The final paving work will be on Atascadero Road, but the City hadn’t released a schedule for that work before EBN’s deadline.
Construction notices are posted online at: Email to: or call 877-MORROBAYH2O with questions about the WRF, and they promise that a team member will get back to you within one business day.
Also, the City is in the midst of its annual street paving program with whole streets being shut closed to traffic while the pavement is ground down and the streets repaved.
Motorists are advised to watch for flagmen, adhere to detour and road closed signs, and drive carefully through active construction zones.