A Clear Choice

Citizens for Affordable Living is pleased to announce their candidate endorsements for mayor and two city council seats.

John Weiss is a mayoral candidate who offers 42 years of successful, retail experience in Morro Bay. Weathering financially good times and bad times, he understands the business community; he understands finances; he understands promotion. As a long-time, active member in a service club, he has exercised leadership and mentored many. He shines his key values of honesty and integrity through the many ways he volunteers for Morro Bay. He is a great listener. We strongly urge your vote for John Weiss.

Richard Sadowski is a council candidate who offers his diverse experience in service. Richard has lived in our community for over 17 years. He was recently an active member on two of Morro Bay’s citizens’ advisory boards: the Planning Commission and the Water Reclamation Facility Citizens Advisory Committee (WRFCAC). His technical background is in engineering. He understands leadership and finance. The City needs these qualities now. He has spoken before the City Council on numerous occasions and on various topics. We strongly urge your vote for Richard Sadowski.

Betty Winholtz is a council candidate who offers 8 years of experience on Morro Bay’s City Council, 2002-2010. During that almost decade, the City Council successfully addressed the local effects of a national Recession and oversaw the planning of a new sewer plant. Right now we face parallel situations: a deficit budget and a money-pit sewer plant. She has continued to speak up for residents and neighborhoods since leaving office. Betty has lived in Morro Bay for 34 years and has institutional history that would enhance decision-making. We strongly urge your vote for Betty Winholtz.

Decisions regarding housing, vacation rentals, roundabout at 41/Main, COVID-19, local coastal program, and other pertinent topics will be decided by this Council–either in favor of the residents or not. We want those decisions made with and for residents.

This year Morro Bay candidates couldn’t be more distinct. There is a clear choice between “stay the course” and change the town forever, OR address this “moment of reckoning” and bring the town back from the edge of disaster. That is how dire the City’s financial and moral situation is. When you love something, vote for it.

Dan Sedley
Citizens for Affordable Living

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