Be Heard – Vote

The “Voter Initiative Filed on Battery Plant” article focuses on the most recent voter initiated legislation in the City of Morro Bay. I allowed myself to be distracted from the topic by reflecting on the number of successful initiatives mentioned.

Morro Bay voters have demonstrated repeatedly a desire for a direct say in major changes affecting who we are, our identity. The quantity of initiatives may also demonstrate voters’ dissatisfaction with the direction elected leaders chose to take.

Here are a couple of other examples not mentioned in the article.

Measure F passed in 1984. Measure F established a population cap of 12,200 in order “to avoid an unanticipated decrease in available water supply.” Sufficient water has been an issue for 40 years.

More recently in 2021, there was the “No RV Camping on the Embarcadero” initiative. Voters were concerned about the consequences of turning tourist parking lots into overnight RV parks. City Council chose to adopt the measure rather than put it on the ballot. However, it still carries the force of an initiative: it cannot be changed without a vote of the people.

Morro Bay, we have now another chance to have our say.

Sincerely, Betty Winholtz
Morro Bay

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