Morro Bay is roiled (again) by a political issue. Ballot Measure A-24 is a far-reaching policy whose consequences could have a big impact on the development and financial security of the City.
We are not having a reasonable discussion about it. Instead, we hear fear-based assertions by the yes on A-24 supporters, many of which we should debate and some of which are probably wrong.
We’ve had chances to have this conversation. The Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce offered to host a forum, and the YES supporters refused. The League of Women Voters offered to do an issue forum on A-24, but the YES supporters again refused. The SLO Tribune invited both ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ on A-24 spokespersons to interview for the record. Again, the YES supporters refused.
The NO on A-24 supporters (I am one of them) agreed to every one of these neutral efforts to look at the facts.
The main fact to know is that passing A-24 will not stop the battery plant. It will eliminate the City Council’s local control on it. Vote NO on A-24 to protect the future of Morro Bay.
Glenn Silloway
Morro Bay