Check Out Cambria Rotary

The Rotary Club of Cambria’s Peacebuilders Committee is dedicated to assisting our membership and our community in engaging in dialogue and projects that promote peace at home, in the community and around the world by helping each person commit fully to living “their piece of peace” as well as embracing the foundation of any community and global peace–respecting the humanity of all by celebrating both our diversity and our commonalities. We are guided by the Rotary Vision statement: “Together we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.” As Rotarians, we are engaged in the process of fostering peace whenever we practice Service Above Self in our various Avenues of Service.
In addition to beginning our weekly Rotary meetings (Fridays at noon—via Zoom) with a quote about peace from Dr. Joe Morrow, we offer peace-centered programs at least once a quarter. Our “peace” speakers during Rotary Year 2020/2021 have been:
Oct. 2 – Rudy Westervelt, Past District Governor of Rotary District 5330 and member of the One World Peace Rotary eclub, spoke to us about the multitude of programs Rotary engages in around the world that help advance the cause of peace.
Nov. 20 – As a lead in to the holidays, our committee program consisted of a short video about peace produced by the Prem Rawat Foundation. We then broke up into small groups to discuss what each of us had done to create peace in our lives during the past week. Our membership embraced the exercise and the sharing throughout the process was both relatable and inspirational.
Dec. 11 – Sakeen Ali from the Peace Corps discussed how the organization helps create peace around the world through engagement with local communities.
Jan. 15 – Brian Rusch, a Rotarian who has worked with the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, spoke about peace and LGBTQ inclusion.
Jan. 29 – Willow Baker, the Peacebuilder Chair of the Rotary Club of Conejo Valley and the Program Director of the Peace Education Program of the Prem Rawat Foundation, shared a presentation underscoring that peace on any level always begins with the individual.
Currently the Peacebuilders and Youth Service Committees are coordinating with Sarah Johnston, English Department Head at Coast Union High School, to sponsor a Peace Essay contest for the Senior Class. Ms. Johnston has structured the inquiry and critical thinking module of the curriculum to focus on the concept of Peace. We look forward to gaining insight and inspiration from our seniors on this most timely of topics and will invite the three winners to share their essays with our Club on April 23rd.
If you are interested in our Peacebuilders Committee programs or any other of our Rotary Club programs please contact the Rotary Club of Cambria at or call 805-769-4749.
Nancy Carr
Rotary Club of Cambria

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