Laurel Barton is someone who gets involved in her community and takes on responsible roles. As someone who has worked many years in administration, city planning and grant writing for the Cities of Visalia and Tulare, Laurel understands the complexities of city governments and how to get things done. She supports completing the WRF plant and the passage of Measure E-20.
In her work as an experienced grant writer, Laurel successfully secured several million dollars’ worth of grants. In the context of planning, Laurel sees the Hwy41, Hwy 1 interchange as confusing (which way to turn to go downtown or to the beach), bland and tourist unfriendly. In the spirit of encouraging new and more tourists to visit MB, she would like to work on receiving grants to help fund the new design and be a part of making it user friendly.
Let’s elect someone that can help Morro Bay become “the best it can be.” Elect Laurel Barton for Morro Bay City Council!
Susan Heinemann
Morro Bay