Say no to Camping on Embarcadero and Coleman in M.B.

This is to all registered voters of Morro Bay. I am one of the proponents circulating a petition that would give voters the right to decide if there should be permanent RV and tent camping on the Embarcadero and Coleman Drive. You may have noticed the campers are gone now. This is because the City’s temporary permit from the CA Coastal Commission has expired. However, the City has applied for a permanent permit to start up the camping program again. The application does not limit camping to certain areas.

I, Carole Truesdale and Betty Winholtz, the other two proponents of the initiative, support the Harbor Department. The Department has a balanced budget this year. What the Department is looking for a source of money for capital projects. We believe RV camping is an inconsistent and insufficient source of money. Other and more appropriate sources of revenue and organization are being considered.

We believe the residents’ and visitors’ quality of life should not be jeopardized. Please find us at Spencer’s and Albertsons to sign the initiative petition to get on the ballot the right to vote on this matter. Let’s protect our nature beauty and enjoyment of public places by restricting camping to campgrounds.

Jim Curnutt, Morro Bay

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