Thank You Estero Bay News

Thanks again for your very well-written article (Estero Bay News Vol #2, Issue #15) publicizing the online live-streaming fundraiser on August 16 that featured the live concert by the SLO County Stumblers and benefitted the Bags of Love food delivery program sponsored by Bobby de Lancelotti’s Estero Bay Kindness Coalition (EBKC). Your coverage helped us mobilize local support for this very worthy cause, and for that we are all most grateful.

Although EBKC has continued to receive donations as late as last week, Bobby is ready to close the books on this event, so we thought you might appreciate an update.

Thus far, EBKC netted a total of $15,260 from the fundraiser. As a result, EBKC is now in a much better financial position to continue providing free food to the families it serves as the pandemic persists during the 2020-2021 school year.  Furthermore, EBKC now is better situated to consider a possible expansion of its food deliveries to include the families of additional low-income students who attend other schools aside from the 8 local public schools where it already operates.

Dan Clement
Los Osos

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