Thanks for the Space

Thank you to Neil Farrell for giving such generous coverage to the recent live-streaming fundraiser/concert that benefited the local grassroots nonprofit food delivery program known as Bags of Love [“Online Concert Benefits Food Program,” Vol. 2. Issue 16].

As you know, this event was the culmination of collaboration between Bobby de Lancelotti (founder of Estero Bay Kindness Foundation), Katie de Lancelotti (Bobby’s daughter and creative support), Paul Irving (owner and marketing director of Big Big SLO Marketing Services), the SLO County Stumblers (the entertainment), and my wife Jude and me (the sponsors).  I suspect that your article in Estero Bay News helped us increase the total number of “hits” that the event attracted. 

According to Paul Irving, we got 1,100 views on Facebook, and more than 2,100 views on Paul’s website.  Earlier this week, according to Bobby and Paul, more than $12,000 in donations had already been received, but more contributions were expected after-the-fact.

We will keep you posted on the final calculated “grand total” whenever the books are closed.  But we are all grateful for the positive publicity you tossed in our direction.  From my vantage point as a relative newcomer to the Central Coast, I want you to know that I very much appreciate your willingness to get the word out on this event, and the obvious interest on your part and on the part of Estero Bay News in publicizing programs that are designed to help those in need ion our local communities during these troubled times.
Dan Clement
Los Osos

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