Vote for Cyndee Edwards

I think most people will agree that government at all levels is broken. While we like to think that we are immune from “big city politics” on the Central Coast,

the sad fact is that the disease of cynicism has infected almost every election in our area.

This leads to lack of trust and, well, the toxic politics that we too often see at the national and state level.

As I enter the winter of my life, I have decided to support only those candidates who stand apart from the cynicism and decay of our politics. There are a number of good, qualified people whose approach to running for office and serving is refreshing, and I give them credit for sacrificing their privacy and tackling our growing list of problems.

One such person in our area is Cyndee Edwards, who is running for the Morro Bay City Council. I have found Ms. Edwards to be absolutely dedicated to serving Morro Bay where she has been a voice for small business and a community volunteer for many years. She is the type of person who can say “no” to the various special interests who drift into town from time to time to sell the community on what is best for us…and especially for them. Ms. Edwards is a serious and intelligent person who can see through the layers of lawyers, lobbyists, and public relations firms to the truth. We need this common-sense leadership at city hall more than ever.

At the same time, Ms. Edwards is able to look to the future, a future that enhances economic prosperity for Morro Bay, without sacrificing our environment. We need someone who can lower the volume, roll up their sleeves and get things done for Morro Bay. Cyndee Edwards is that person.

John Barbieri

Morro Bay

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