San Luis Obispo Writers’ Room
The San Luis Obispo Writers’ Room is a new organization dedicated to fostering a vibrant, engaged, and diverse literary community on the Central Coast. It will provide to workshops, writers’ groups, readings, community gatherings, and educational events for emerging and established writers in SLO County. Right now, we at the start-up stage and gathering community input into design before launching, so that SLOWR is responsive to the needs of our members. We are looking to partner on this journey with local writers and arts’ organizations.
The San Luis Obispo Writers’ Room (SLOWR) will transcend the local support and critique groups through a centralized, nonprofit platform. This includes affordable, safe, and productive workspace for emerging and established writers. Writers of all genres are welcome: prose, poetry, screen and stage, graphic novels, fiction and non-fiction. The voices of historically marginalized writers, such as people of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ* individuals, and newcomers to the United States, are essential to our mission.
If you are a writer in SLO County, we would love your input via a survey that can be found at You can learn more about SLOWR, sign up for our newsletter, or contact us at
Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce Spotlight
The Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce spotlighted Wicked Harvest Bourbon Whiskey, owned by Jim and Gloria Zion.
The Chamber says if you haven’t tried their farm-to-table spirits yet, grab a taste of their pecan bourbon at local liquor stores and restaurants. They offer pistachio, hazelnut, pecan infused Kentucky aged bourbon, finished in wine/rum barrels with whole pistachios. For 21 and older.
Restaurant Revitalization Fund Applications
In April, the SBA announced key details on application requirements, eligibility, and a program guide for the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RRF). Details on application requirements, eligibility, and a program guide are now available in English or in Spanish at
The American Rescue Plan Act established the RRF to provide funding to help restaurants and other eligible businesses keep their doors open. This program will provide restaurants with funding equal to their pandemic-related revenue loss up to $10 million per business and no more than $5 million per physical location. Recipients are not required to repay the funding as long as funds are used for eligible uses no later than March 11, 2023.
The SBA will establish a seven-day pilot period for the RRF application portal to conduct extensive outreach and training. The official application launch date will be announced at a later date. Pilot period will be used to address technical issues ahead of the public launch. Participants in this pilot will be randomly selected from existing PPP borrowers in priority groups for RRF and will not receive funds until the application portal is open to the public. Following the pilot, the application portal will be opened to the public.
For the first 21 days that the program is open to the public, the SBA will prioritize reviewing applications from small businesses owned by women, veterans, and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. Following the 21-day period, all eligible applicants are encouraged to submit applications.
Noi’s Little Thai Takeout Reopens
The well-loved Baywood location is open again at the original location, serving breakfast only. If you miss Noi’s Little Thai Takeout hours, just head down the street to Noi and Doi’s Second Street Cafe at 1325 2nd Street, Baywood Park.