Photo left to right: Ed Gallardo – President-Elect, Steve Auslander – Director, Olivia Martinez – Recording Secretary, Peter Starlings – Vice President, Deanna Sweeney – Immediate Past President, J. J. Bright – Director, Cynthia Rozamus – Director, Warren Lilly – Treasurer, Annie Wahler – President, Cherrie Katayama – Kiwanian & SBCC President. Photos by Dean Sullivan
The Kiwanis Club of Bay-Osos in Los Osos held their annual Installation of Officers and Directors dinner and awards presentation at the South Bay Community Center on Monday, September 23.
Current officers and directors were promoted, and incoming leaders installed by special guests Division Lt. Governor Albert Almodova from the Kiwanis Club of Atascadero and incoming Lt. Governor Julie Posada from the Santa Maria Noon Club. The celebratory evening gave the local community volunteers an opportunity to enjoy the traditional changing of the guard and each other’s company while hanging up their iconic blue service aprons for an evening.
Readers with questions or who are interested in joining the Kiwanis Club of Bay-Osos, visit