Join the City of Morro Bay Recreation Services Department for and egg-stra awesome event for the community.
How to Play:
• Download an egg coloring sheet!
• Decorate your egg.
• Cut it out and place it somewhere visible from the street (front door or window, etc).
• Share a picture of your egg or any egg you find (maybe on a neighborhood walk) on the City of Morro Bay recreation Services social media sites (Facebook or Instagram) with #morrobayegghunt
• For every egg you share you will be entered in our raffle to win a Prize Basket.
For more fun, play the game “Where in Morro Bay is the Easter Bunny?” Follow them on Facebook or Instagram to see the daily spotting of the Easter Bunny and guess the correct location to be entered in a raffle. Prize Baskets will consist of donations from local businesses and other fun items.
Morro Bay Recreation Services has also launched a Virtual Rec Connect page with ways to recreate at home. Follow the link and stay active