The Morro Bay Lion’s Club fed folks at the Vet’s Hall during the storm, even during a power outage.
The big storm of Jan. 8-9 wreaked havoc across the Estero Bay area, but determined volunteers made sure a free community dinner was held — even if by candlelight.
According to a post on the Morro Bay Lion’s Club’s Facebook Page, Monday, Jan. 9 at the Morro Bay Vet’s Hall was, “a cold, dark, building with no electricity and under flood conditions.”
For 9 years, local churches, volunteers and the Lion’s Club have collaborated to provide free hot meals to hungry people every Monday Night at the Vet’s Hall. Different churches and organizations trade off providing the meals, which are open to anyone. It’s been a big success.
“469 [sic] is now the magic number of consecutive Monday Night Dinners that have been provided by our caring volunteers and contributing organizations,” reads the Lions’ Facebook post.
But Jan. 9 was unusual after the power went out at the Vet’s Hall. “North Morro Church,” the post explained, “prepped and served the dinner. Not all of the volunteers that work the event were able to come in and help.
“In spite of the heavy rains, flooding, road closures, and lack of manpower, the program was able to serve 25 meals. An additional 25 meals were delivered to the Community Center, one of a couple of locations housing displaced residents of Morro Bay.” The dinner was served by candlelight, but the Vet’s Hall has gas ovens and stoves.
The dinner in the midst of one of the area’s worst storms ever, is another example of how local residents stepped up to the plate to help out during that terrible storm.
Estero Bay News, salutes the Lion’s Club and North Morro Church — indeed all the folks involved with the Monday Night Dinners — who didn’t let that terrible storm stop their inspirational work.
The post summed up the club’s sentiments by saying, “Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!”
— Photo courtesy Morro Bay Lion’s Club