Dawn Addis Sworn in as Assemblymember for District 30

Morro Bay’s Dawn Addis was sworn in as Assemblymember for District 30 in a ceremony at the State Capitol on Dec. 5.
The district that Addis now represents stretches from southern San Luis Obispo County to the Santa Cruz harbor, including the Monterey Peninsula, Big Sur, and the City of Morro Bay, where she recently served as a council member.
“I am deeply honored to earn the support of the people from the Central Coast, and I will make sure their voice is heard in Sacramento,” Addis said in a news release. “The California that people across the globe seek is right here in Assembly District 30. From Pleasure Point, across the Monterey Bay, and south along 200 miles of America’s most pristine coastline — we have so much to protect and be proud of. The great challenge of our times is to build resilience to the changing climate, expand opportunities for all and make it affordable to live here, while preserving the things we love. I look forward to solving these issues together, and I am ready to get to work.”
Addis is the first Democrat to represent the majority of San Luis Obispo County in the State Assembly since 1947. She is also the first Democrat from San Luis Obispo County to serve in the State Assembly since Alexander McMillan was elected in 1922. Addis is the first Democratic woman ever to hold this seat.
Morro Bay Council Approves Pride Flag
The Pride flag will be among those flown over Morro Bay City Hall.
The flag ordinance was a year in the works, and the Morro Bay City Council passed a policy that would consider the city hall flagpole government speech.
The pride flag will fly for the first time starting in June, known as Pride Month, of 2023. As per the ordinance, it will fly for a maximum of 30 days.
Prospects for National Marine Sanctuary
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of National Marine Sanctuaries has initiated the designation process for the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary on the Central Coast.
The Northern Chumash Tribal Council (NCTC) submitted the sanctuary nomination in July 2015, and NOAA is considering sanctuary designation to protect the region’s important marine ecosystem, maritime heritage resources, and cultural values of Indigenous communities.
Join Central Coast State Parks Association, CA State Parks, and Paul Michel (regional policy coordinator for NOAA’s West Coast Office of National Marine Sanctuaries) for this presentation via Zoom.
This presentation will cover the background and status of the proposed new sanctuary. It will also highlight some of the main issues and challenges facing this coast and ocean and speak to the indigenous engagement and participation envisioned.
Free to join. Pre-registration required at https://bit.ly/3XQTH48.
Turn Your Irrigation Off

The Los Osos Community Services District recommends that folks turn off their irrigations systems this time of year. Los Osos is built on sandy soil, which causes water to percolate into the ground. It doesn’t necessarily flow to the surface.
“Many times, the source of a high usage investigation is an irrigation system leak. So, it is important to maintain irrigation systems regularly,” LOCSD officials said in press release.
Many homeowners have chosen drought tolerant plants or native plants in their gardens. Get watering guides from SLOWaterwiseLandscaping.com under Watering Guide then Coastal Areas.
Watering Established Plants
If you are growing California native plants in their natural geographic range and they are properly sited, your drought tolerant plants should be able to thrive entirely on rainfall. They might look a little brown and drought stressed in the summer and early fall, but that’s natural. Water conservation is one of the key benefits of gardening with native plants.
However, most drought tolerant natives (and all riparian natives) can handle occasional light irrigation in the hot summer and early fall, and if you are careful, they’ll probably look a little greener and prettier with just a little bit of water. But again, be careful. Improper irrigation is probably the biggest reason – after poor plant selection – why some California native gardens fail. For more information, go to bit.ly/3Uu6nel.
After the Festivities—Tree Recycling
Following this issue, the Estero Bay News team takes two weeks off, but this information will be needed before we return.
Waste Connections Mission Country Disposal accepts Christmas trees for recycling after December 25. Trees must be cut into 4 foot or shorter lengths, with no tree parts greater than 6 inches in diameter. Place tree parts in your green waste cart. Tinsel, ribbons, light strands, tree stands, and all other decorations must be removed. Flocked trees are not accepted and must go to the landfill or cut and fit into the trash cart.
If you do not have a green waste collection, contact your service provider for pick up. Christmas trees not in a cart and placed on the curb are subject to additional fees. For more information, call Mission County Disposal at (805) 543-0875.
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