Sewer Rate Hike Vote Still On for April 21

Written by Sullivan

April 11, 2020

The Coronavirus has seemingly changed everything about life in SLO County, but a proposed sewer rate hike in Los Osos will go on as planned.

A County official said despite changes in how the Board of Supervisors conducts its public meetings, a scheduled hearing set for April 21 to protest proposed sewer rate hikes in Los Osos, will still be held as scheduled.

Los Osos ratepayers should have already gotten notices in the mail of the hearing, which is being done under the State’s Prop. 218 system. If you own a property in Los Osos you must protest in writing the rate hike and either mail it to the County Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, 1055 Monterey St. D430, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 so it gets to the County before April 21.

Or drop off the written protest at the April 21 meeting. A box will be available outside the Board Chambers with a County staffer on hand to assist and collect the votes.

No emailed votes will be counted, it has to be in writing and include identification information, including your name, address and if available an assessor’s parcel number for the property. Only one vote per property is allowed.

If readers wish to make public comments during Supervisor’s meetings, which are closed to the public due to concerns about spreading the Coronavirus, they can call (805) 788-6638; then state and spell your name, mention the agenda item number you are calling about and leave your comment. Verbal comments are limited to 3 minutes including stating your name.

Emailed comments can be sent to: before the meetings. But as noted, email is no good when entering a protest vote on the sewer rate hikes.

If the County gets over 50% of the property owners protesting, the rate hike cannot be adopted. Anyone who does not vote will be considered a “yes” vote and in support of the new rates.

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