Supes Support THS Football

Written by Estero Bay News

September 7, 2023

County Supervisors have again donated money to help with Templeton High School’s football program.

Supervisors voted to allocate $10,000 in “community projects funding,” to the Templeton “Football Coaches Club,” according to a report. 

The money is coming out of Dist. 1’s and 5’s annual community projects budgets, a pool of money allocated to each supervisor to hand out to programs — usually in their own districts — that apply for grant funding. Dist. 1 Supervisor John Peschong gave $7,000 and Dist. 5 Supervisor Debbie Arnold gave $3,000. 

Templeton lies within Peschong’s Dist. 1 boundaries, but Arnold, who represents Atascadero, has many supporters in that community too.

According to the report, “The funds will be used to offset expenses associated with the operation of the Templeton High School Football Program in 2023, including but not limited to new equipment, coaches’ continued education, and online streaming.”

The Coach’s Club apparently works similar to how the Athletic Boosters Club work at Morro Bay High.

“This organization provides physical fitness, mental fitness, and support for all the players, as well as leadership and community camaraderie,” the report said. “The Templeton High School Football Program interacts with many other high schools in and beyond the county. The football team uses the lessons learned with the Club to grow into young adults that interact with our community.”

Supervisors made a similar donation last year as well, though no other area schools’ football programs have received such Supervisory support.

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