Cambrians, think of this: the November ballot is offering you a chance to put your Community Service District board on its best footing in years with your votes for both Dave Pierson and Tom Gray.
Dave has already served three years on several CCSD committees, as the board president during reorganization, and is now a candidate for another two-year term. Tom has been chair of the North Coast Advisory Council, now serves on the county’s Water Resources Advisory Committee and probably knows more about solving Cambria’s water problems than anyone. More information on Tom’s background is available at his website:
Both men are the best-qualified candidates in the field and, with respect for Cambria’s past and care for its future, offer the best hope for preserving the Cambria we enjoy. As the man said, “Peace in our time.” Think of that!
Connie Jordan
Letter To The Editor
Protest Another Trash Increase in Los Osos I have submitted the formal protest form to voice my protest to the...