Council Roundabout Vote Shows Lack of Trust

Just as the never-ending expenses on the sewer plant haunted former Morro Bay mayor Headding out of office, council members Edwards’ and Ford’s votes for a roundabout at 41/1/Main will make it difficult for them to be re-elected, beginning with Ford a year from now. 

You can’t make a motion and second the motion to put our children’s safety at risk, then expect voters to put you back in office. You can’t make a motion and second the motion to give residents another 2-3 years of construction and torn up streets, then expect voters to put you back in office. You can’t make a motion and second the motion for another public works project that will drain City coffers away from repairing streets and supporting fire fighters, then expect voters to put you back in office.

Council member Barton demonstrated independence when she did not participate in the voice vote.

The vote on the 41/1/Main intersection highlighted the lack of trust among the city council members. The two members who live near the intersection voted against the roundabout. Those members who do not use the intersection on a daily basis voted for the roundabout; they were not willing to trust the testimony of their peers who had personal knowledge.

Betty Winholtz
Morro Bay

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