Morro Bay is Still a Tree City

In response to a letter to the editor by Betty Winholtz (Vol. 3, Issue 4) regarding tree removal in Morro Bay, Betty painted an inaccurate picture. She forgot to add why these particular trees were removed. In the case of the 14 trees at Cerrito Peak, she failed to mention that the trees in the right of way were planted illegally by the previous owner, directly underneath the canopy of the Eucalyptus. This caused severe damage to the health of these trees. This was supported by not one, but two separate arborist reports that deemed them unsafe.
Four Cypress trees were donated to the city for replanting and the other trees were covered under MB’s replanting guidelines. Morro Bay is still a tree city. While some people may not like the city’s decisions, it is still their job to protect the public and remain free of liability. While some may think that Betty’s cause is noble, some consider it a form of bullying. Many I’ve spoken to feel it’s the latter.

Josh Martin,
Morro Bay

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