Regaining My Faith in Humanity

This day and age, it is not hard to lose faith in our fellow humans.

With everything happening in the world, our country, our state, and even our community, it can seem like more and more people are only looking out for themselves. 

But every so often something happens to help you see the generous, kind, thoughtful, and caring side of others. 

My name is Michael Olson and I have lived in Los Osos since 1988. Just recently I had a doctor tell me something no one wants to hear: You have cancer.

I have never been so scared in my life. I am 60-years-old thinking I still have a lot of years ahead of me. Leaving the doctor’s, I cried. I was so scared. I went home and informed my housemate and long-time friend, Amy, who for the last 10 years has been by my side through a myriad of problems and if it wasn’t for her I don’t know where I would be today.

Then I spoke to my work (Miner’s Hardware) where I have been for 17 years. They were very understanding and supportive. It wasn’t long before the other employees and some of our customers learned about what I was going through. They were all very encouraging and I thank every one of them. 

One coworker in particular I’d like to send a huge shout out to is Shayla Shannnon, who took it upon herself to start a GoFundMe page for me. Then, Dean Sullivan, owner of the Estero Bay News, offered to put info about me and the GoFundMe in the next edition of the paper. I owe a big debt of gratitude to Dean and Theresa-Marie Wilson for making sure my story ran. 

For the next two weeks a day did not go by that I did not have tears in my eyes, so blessed did I feel because of everyone’s generosity. People who read the article and those who heard about my troubles from others—everyone just wanted to help. 

But in spite of all the generous donations and kind words of support, in the end, the biggest gift of all has been regaining my faith in people, in our community. I cannot express how much I appreciate our community. I thank you all.

Michael Olson

Los Osos

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