Don’t Shoot the Messenger

I would like to respond to Ms. McPherson’s many criticisms (Vol. 4, Issue 23 ) of Mr. Farrell’s reporting on Morro Bay’s new sewer plant (11/3/22).

He was not critical of the facility from the “beginning” in 2016 when she became a city council member.

Many news stories start as tips with unnamed sources, i.e., Watergate, Kristin Smart. Farrell reached out to the city for verification and quoted the Public Works Director with his responses.

How does one report a series of blunders without sounding like there was a series of blunders? Don’t shoot the messenger.

I agree the surcharge will not go up because that’s where it was set. However, nothing prevents a 218 vote to increase monthly fees.

I disagree with the definition that “the overall project” is “the plant plus debt service.” It is also the pipelines, unfinished wells, existing sewer plant tear down and clean up, and land negotiations with Cayucos. The cost is not “less than anticipated.” The cost continues to rise.

To claim that a story is “buried” if it is on page 7 out of 28 pages is stretching it. If it were printed on page 24, yes.

Perhaps McPherson is protective of the plant because she voted for its location and contractors knowing it was both the most expensive location and project.

Betty Winholtz

Morro Bay

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