Local Photographer Releases Book

Pick up your copy of the new photo book “Ginger Snaps” by Morro Bay photographer and photojournalist Charlotte Rushton DiNunzio. The book praises the often overlooked and mocked genetic inheritance of ginger locks, according to publishers, Inspirebytes Omni Media.
Most folks will recognize DiNunzio as the owner of SandPrints Photography in Morro Bay. Additionally, she has taught photography at Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo for the last twelve years.
DiNunzio combines her love of photography and passion for redheads in this collection of portraits from all across England, asking those she meets to reflect on what it means to stand out, and how it’s impacted their life. Each page offers varied layouts of portraits showcasing redheads of all ages from DiNunzio’s journeys, with an introduction on the history of redhead stereotypes, her own upbringing as a redhead, and new mentality on embracing what makes you different.
“Ginger Snaps” is a visual exploration of identity, which DiNunzio hopes to use in teaching readers, both redheaded and non-redheaded alike, that uniqueness is important.
“I hope viewers of my redhead portraits will come away from this book with a new sense of wonder at how amazing red hair is. I created this project to celebrate redheads for redheads,” says DiNunzio. “So those of us who are feeling ‘less than’ because of our hair color can actually hold their head up high. It is such an extraordinary color. It makes me sad to think that someone who has red hair feels low about it.”
The book is recommended for all ages and is available now on Amazon with worldwide distribution.
Fundraiser Raises Hope
Thanks to support throughout San Luis Obispo County French Hospital Medical Center (FHMC) Foundation raised over $133,000 with its “Share Hope” fundraiser held last month. In its second year, more than 300 community members contributed helping to support the Hearst Cancer Resource Center (HCRC) at FHMC.
The HCRC is a unique resource center offering patient navigation, classes, support groups, and more, in both English and Spanish that provides all services free of charge to cancer patients and their families. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the HCRC currently offers many services virtually.
“All proceeds stay local and directly benefit cancer patients in need,” Alan Iftiniuk, FHMC President and CEO. “This support is especially crucial because of the additional financial challenges and obligations our patients have faced because of the pandemic.”
This year’s proceeds will specifically benefit Hearst Cancer Resource Center’s Angel of Hope Program. The Angel of Hope Fund provides cancer patients in need with assistance and support through the cancer program.
Since the HCRC opened in 2008, the center has had 114,000 visits and contacts. Since then, the Foundation has raised more than $10 million to support the HCRC, enabling the HCRC to provide all services free of charge to patients.
Nature Black Friday
On Black Friday (November 26), head to the Pismo Monarch Butterfly Grove and the Morro Bay Museum of Natural History to shop clearance items and holiday gift sets! A sale table will be set up from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m, and the normal store hours will remain the same. Some of the gift sets will only be available for in-person purchase on Black Friday only.
Walk and Talk with M.B. Chamber
Everyone is invited to join the Property Walks and Talks with the Morro Bay Chamber of Commerce on Nov. 17. It is holiday season again. They are encouraging people to shop local and think outside the box with your gift giving ideas!
The Chamber will talk with local businesses about their holiday shopping needs as part of Small Business Every Day.
• 1 p.m. UPS Store
• 1:30 p.m. Natural History Museum
• 2 p.m. Central Coast Cart Rentals
The fun continues on Dec. 3 with visits to:
• 1p.m. Bay Cruisers
• 1:30 p.m. Central Coast Lift
• 2 p.m. Morro Bay Maritime Museum
For more information, give the Chamber a call at 805-772-4467.