Cambria Rotary Gives to Those in Need

Written by Estero Bay News

December 1, 2022

The Rotary Club of Cambria recently presented a check for $1,000 to help the non-profit Compass Zambia with its efforts to improve the lives of people through education.

Members of the Rotary Club of Cambria recently donated to help people in need in both Africa and here at home in San Luis Obispo County.  

During a recent meeting, the Club heard a presentation by Paula Van Zyl, of the non-profit Compass Zambia. She has dedicated her life to help people in need. Paula moved to Africa in 2003 and then Mwandi Village in 2005. They have built 199 homes for those most in need in the village with the help of volunteers.

In 2007, the organization turned their attention to education. With the help of donors, they have sponsored more than 35 students through college, and many now have good paying jobs and a chance at a good future. 

In 2017 they started working on a community school and started classes in 2019. There are now have more than 300 students from pre-school through 4th grade, but their work is not done. Work is being done to build an additional building for 5th grade students.  

Cambria Rotary was proud to present Paula with a check for $1,000 to help Compass Zambia reach its goals.

The Club also donated $500 to the SLO Food Bank with a check to help families and individuals during this holiday season following a presentation by Branna Still.

Still shared with the Club that 26 percent of households in SLO County do not earn enough to afford an essential cost of living and 1 in 6 children may experience food insecurity in the US this year. The SLO Food Bank serves over 31,000 individuals each month, 28% are children and 25% are seniors.

Compass Zambia is a non-profit organization designed to support its sister organization Home for Aids Orphans located in Mwandi, Zambia. Their goal is to help the community by improving the lives of those who live there through various projects such as building homes for  families who have been displaced by the ravages of aids, community school development, sponsoring students to advance their education, and helping with various projects that arise within the village.


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