I want to thank you for your comprehensive and well-presented article on the proposed Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary. You have brought to light the outrageous action of NOAA to gerrymander the original boundaries of the sanctuary. This is a betrayal to those of us who supported the much-needed NMS off our coastline.
It is apparent that NOAA has a disregard for the heart of the SLO County coastline by even suggesting this carve out. If the “Preferred Alternative” is adopted our coastline will be adversely affected. In fact, I fear it might suffer much greater impact to the offshore and nearshore marine environment because of the gerrymandering of the map.
I hope you will continue to track this story. I did contact Bruce Gibson’s office to encourage him to act diligently to fight for our coastline and oppose the alternative map. Please hold him accountable for his statements presented in your article.
Your work is appreciated.
Paul Gallo
Los Osos