At the last City Council meeting: June 13th, The City Council gave thought to putting a round-about at the intersection of Main Street and Hwy. 41. I’ve lived here 33 years, and on a very rare occasion, I’ve encountered a traffic jam at that intersection, causing me to be immobile for a few minutes.
When the school is on “lunch-hour”, quite a few of the students meander over to Taco Bell, causing this intersection to be overly populated with pedestrians; it’s been through this daily occurrence for years; some of us are able to avoid it, but for those who can’t, a little patience would be an asset.
So, I would like to suggest that the Council, for now, not go down this path; and instead leave it as it is…we can handle it; we’ve been doing it for years. And as a sidebar, how are “emergency vehicles” going to navigate this round-about?
Roger Ewing
Morro Bay