Avocado Shack owner, Michael Wolfe, is now up and running in his new location at 2190 N. Main St., Morro Bay. The independent produce stand’s new location is 10 times the size of the first Avocado Shack.
Morro Bay’s popular Avocado Shack produce stand has moved to a new and bigger location just a few blocks up the street from its original spot.
Avocado Shack owner, Michael Wolfe, was all smiles on July 2 at the new location, his second day open at the new store.
The location is the former long-time home of Shorty & Sons auto repair shop near the intersection of Avalon and Main, and Wolfe said the new building is 10 times bigger than the tiny space where he opened the independent and local produce market in 2019.
With big garage doors that swinging up, the store looks like an old-fashioned, roadside, produce stand, with a lot of off-street parking, a premium in North Morro Bay.
He stocks fresh fruits and vegetables grown by local farmers, with his specialty of course being several varieties of avocados. And every purchase comes with a lesson in where the food was grown and why fresh and local is best.
The Avocado Shack is located at 2190 N. Main St. and is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays, and 9-3 on weekends.