Morro Bay Police Blotter 10-10-2024

Written by Estero Bay News

October 17, 2024

• Sept. 22: At 10:22 p.m. in the Creekbed Estates on Quintana, police again contacted a suspicious 27-year-old woman who had a bench warrant. She was cited again, and released again, to be caught again at a later time.

• Sept. 21: Police responded to a disturbance at 11:20 p.m. at a watering hole Main and Harbor. Logs indicated officers tattled to the SLO Alcoholic Beverage Control or ABC about a tavern allegedly over-serving some apparent boozeheimer.

• Sept. 21: Police contacted a suspicious woman, 44, at 1:21 a.m. somewhere on State Park Road. Shockingly, she was arrested for a bench warrant.

• Sept. 20: Police responded to some storage units in the 1100 block of Allesandro at 11:22 p.m. Logs indicated they arrested a 53-year-old fellow for suspicion of shoplifting, possession of paraphernalia and drugs, and naturally, parole violation.

• Sept. 20: Police responded at 2 p.m. to the 200 block of Barlow Ln., where some poor soul had passed away.

• Sept. 20: Police took reports of suspected child abuse in the 200 block of Atascadero Rd., and 900 block of Pacific.

• Sept. 19: Police took a report of simple assault and battery that apparently happened at the Morro Bay High School of hard knocks.

• Sept. 19: At 9:50 p.m. in the 200 block of Atascadero Rd., logs indicated police ended a vehicle pursuit of some maniac with complete disregard for the safety of others.

• Sept. 19: Some graffidiot left his mark on the Harbor Walk at Coleman and Embarcadero. 

• Sept. 19: Police accepted a woman’s purse that someone found containing a wallet, cash, credit cards, ID, and countless other junk a woman stuffs into a purse.

• Sept. 18: Police got a report from a citizen in the 500 block of Monterey complaining about his or her neighbor for some undisclosed nincompoopery.

• Sept. 18: Someone from Chase Bank turned in an Apple iPhone they’d found. 

• Sept. 17: At 9 p.m. police responded to a disturbance in the 400 block of Atascadero Rd., where they arrested a 22-year-old man for suspicion of domestic violence and hauled the feculent ruffian to the hoosegow.

• Sept. 18: At 11:23 p.m. in the 300 block of Surf, police arrested a 22-year-old snot waffle for suspicion of possessing illegal drugs. He was cited and released to catch again, no doubt part of the new job security program.

• Sept. 17: Police responded at 7 p.m. to Morro and South for some kind of disturbance. Logs indicated they arrested a 58-year-old apparent bounder for being a “public nuisance,” no doubt among other character flaws.

• Sept. 17: Police responded to the 400 block of Quintana after someone reportedly found a credit card skimming device at the Family Dollar store.

• Sept. 17: Police stopped a suspicious vehicle at midnight at Hwy 1 and Yerba Buena. The 32-year-old squishy driver was busted for suspicion of driving on a toot.

• Sept. 16: Police at 4 p.m. contacted a 23-year-old woman in the 2600 block of Greenwood who had a bench warrant. She was cited and released, ‘cause in these parts we throw back the little fish.

• Sept. 16: Someone reported vandalism in the 700 block of Morro Bay Blvd., where some overcompensating fruit loop dingus apparently left his calling card. 

• Sept. 15: Police were called at 3:19 p.m. to the Mobile gas station at the roundabout where they’d caught a sticky-fingered low-wit fellow allegedly shoplifting. The sot was nicked for suspicion of also being too drunk to leave free, which explains a lot.

• Sept. 15: Police responded to the high school where some apparent rustlers had stolen equipment and supplies from the FFA’s School Farm. A posse will no doubt be formed, and the scoundrels rounded up; somebody get a rope…

• Sept. 14: Police stopped a suspicious vehicle at Embarcadero and Beach at 2:03 a.m. The sitting duck, 27, was allegedly driving kootered and she was cited and released, presumably on foot.

• Sept. 13: At 4 p.m. in the 400 block of Quintana, police contacted a suspicious fellow who had a bench warrant and was once again cited and released, taking another step down the path of futility.

• Sept. 13: Police at 12:05 p.m. espied a familiar foe in the 300 block of Mindoro. Logs indicated the 53-year-old scofflaw had six, count ‘em six bench warrants and was issued a seventh disappearance ticket and released.

• Sept. 12: At 11:30 p.m. police spotted a suspicious fellow lurking behind Round Table Pizza in the 600 block of Quintana. Logs indicated the 48-year-old apparent swagman had two out-of-county warrants and was hauled to the gaol.

• Sept. 12: Police responded to the 400 block of Atascadero Rd. where they took a courtesy report on a previous domestic violence incident that apparently happened on June 6. 

• Sept. 12: Someone lost his or her cell phone. Someone else found that cell phone and turned it over to the Harbor Patrol, which in turn gave it to police, and that’s apparently where the trail ends.

• Sept. 12: Police spotted a repeat customer at 2:40 p.m. at City Park on Harbor. Logs indicated the dingus, 40, had seven bench warrants and naturally was issued an eighth to ignore and released, the juice apparently not worth the squeeze.

• Sept. 12: At 10:47 a.m. at Lila Keiser Park, police contacted a suspicious woman. A check revealed that she had two out-of-county warrants with bail totaling $300,000. She was cited and released; no bail required. Her 67-year-old apparent companion also had a warrant, and he too was cited and unleashed back into the wild.

• Sept. 11: Police responded at 7 p.m. to a business in the 900 block of Morro Bay Blvd. for a reported theft. A 33-year-old woman was arrested for suspicion of grand theft, and possession of paraphernalia and illegal drugs, which explains pretty much everything but is certainly no excuse.

• Sept. 11: At 1 p.m. police stumbled upon a suspicious fellow in the 400 block of Main. The 62-year-old gent was nicked for suspicion of pushing too much tin in public.

• Sept. 10: Police stopped a suspicious vehicle at 10:24 p.m. in the 600 block of Kern. The driver had a bench warrant and was cited for failure to appear and released, no doubt having a brown moment in his pants.

• Sept. 10: Police reentered the circus of fools at Lila Keiser Park at 3:45 p.m. They of course found a 45-year-old woman with a bench warrant, a little like shooting fish in a barrel. She was cited once again and left to run wild again.

• Sept. 10: Police responded at 1:10 p.m. to a disturbance in the 200 block of Atascadero Rd. Logs indicated they arrested a 20-year-old louse for suspicion of using corporal punishment on a child.

• Sept. 10: Police contacted a suspicious fellow at 1 p.m. in the 1700 block of Embarcadero. Logs indicated the master criminal was cited for allegedly stealing a shopping cart, in this week’s example of why we need SWAT.

• Sept. 9: A man waved down police at Main and Atascadero Road and turned over a BB gun, asking officers to dispose of the weapon of little destruction for him.

• Sept. 9: At 10 a.m. police contacted a suspicious fellow, 39, at City Park on Harbor. The apparent squit had a bench warrant and — Hallelujah! — was actually thrown into County Jail, 

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